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Your search for English language Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament has returned more than 200 results.

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Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 19551955 Chapter 19Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Lough Neagh and Lower Bann Drainage and Navigation Act (Northern Ireland) 19551955 Chapter 15Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Public Health and Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 19551955 Chapter 13Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Defamation Act (Northern Ireland) 19551955 Chapter 11Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Consolidated Fund (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 19551955 Chapter 6Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Government Property (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 19551955 Chapter 2Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Statute Law Revision Act (Northern Ireland) 19541954 Chapter 35Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Interpretation Act (Northern Ireland) 19541954 Chapter 33Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Agriculture (Temporary Assistance) Act (Northern Ireland) 19541954 Chapter 31Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Vaughan's Charity (Administration) Act (Northern Ireland) 19541954 Chapter 28Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Charitable Trusts (Validation) Act (Northern Ireland) 19541954 Chapter 27Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 19541954 Chapter 23Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Common Informers Act (Northern Ireland) 19541954 Chapter 11Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Administration of Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 19541954 Chapter 9Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Agriculture (Poisonous Substances) Act (Northern Ireland) 19541954 Chapter 5Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
General Dealers (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 19541954 Chapter 4Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 19541954 Chapter 3Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Inland Navigation Act (Northern Ireland) 19541954 Chapter 1Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Slaughter-Houses Act (Northern Ireland) 19531953 Chapter 21Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Prison Act (Northern Ireland) 19531953 Chapter 18Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament

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